Meet the Team
The people behind HomeWork

Our story

We are husband and wife co-founders of this little start up, offering something a bit different when it comes to flexible working! We have both worked in corporate jobs for years and each have our own experiences of working flexibly. You only have to pick up the newspaper to know that flexible working is what everyone is attempting to do but the facilities for individuals are still pretty limited in certain parts of London.

Big co-working sites still require long commutes to central locations and cater better for SMEs than individuals. Working from home may lack facilities or feel isolated and working from your local cafe has inherent limitations. 

Fundamentally for a nation of people who are supposed to be working flexibly, things still just aren’t very flexible!

Introducing HomeWork!… it is a fully serviced work space with all the facilities you would expect from an office but with all the flexibility of ‘working from home’. The high street location makes it local and convenient and the desk space is available on an hourly or a monthly basis (and various options in between). And did we mention the coffee?! 

With some of the finest speciality coffee and tea London has to offer, from the likes of Origin Coffee, Kiss the Hippo and Teasup, we can guarantee you’ll be able to find a tasty brew with us carefully crafted by some seriously talented baristas! So, come down and grab a coffee, a desk or a meeting room and start enjoying flexible ‘home away from home’ working as it should be… we can’t wait to share it with you.

Claire and Sam

Meet the team

Claire Tucker

CEO & Co-Founder

Claire is a chartered accountant, working for 14 years at PwC, having joined on their graduate scheme. She took a career break in November 2017 to focus on her family and since then the idea of HomeWork was born and she hasn’t looked back.

“Starting a business has always been a dream of mine and I am constantly pinching myself that we are actually here! This idea came to us over a few glasses of rosé one summer, born out of our individual, less-than-perfect, experiences of flexible working. We feel passionately that the current offerings just don’t quite hit the mark and wanted to do something that would better support the individual and smaller business, enabling people to ‘work from home’ in an environment that is more conducive to work.”

Sam Tucker

Self Confessed “Non Executive Chairman / Social Secretary” & Co-Founder

Sam has worked for the last 4 years in corporate finance for a private equity firm. He started his career as a graduate at PwC, initially training as a CA and latterly working in their transaction services team. Whilst Sam is not involved in the day to day running of the business he has occasionally been known to offer some useful insight! As well as providing lots of much needed moral support.

Abbie Davies

Commercial Director

“I feel so lucky to have joined HomeWork at such an exciting time, I’ve been given such a great opportunity to be a part of a small, growing business that has such a huge character. Homework’s uniqueness is reflected across every aspect of the business; the amazing team, culture and space. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for HomeWork, and be part of a business that has such incredible potential.”

Zara Wech

Community Manager

Zara is a local kiwi legend and has been spinning yarns at HomeWork Workspace since November 2019. Zara has a wonderful ability to build genuine rapport with every person that crosses her path and her passion for delivering the best possible customer experience is admirable. “From the moment I walked into HomeWork and met both Claire and Georgie, I knew there was something very special about this place and I wanted to be a part of it! I love interacting and building relationships with our customers and I am very passionate about the culture and community we have here at HomeWork. I am so grateful to be involved in a start-up that has so much to offer and to be working with an amazing team who all work so hard to make sure everyone who comes into HomeWork feels at home.”

Alma Peters

Community Manager

Alma is our Head of HomeWork Fulham, joining us with loads of customer service facing experience, she is always there to lend a helping hand making you feel at home within our community. "I love that at HomeWork i have an environment filled with intelligent individuals, where I am free to express my creativity, personality and wit."

Steph Laws

Community Manager

Steph has worked in management and events since moving to London 4 years ago. “As a Freelance designer with my own business, I am inspired every day by our members and love networking. Homework is truly a special place and I feel lucky to be surrounded by like minded people and to be a part of it.”

Anika Basler

Community Associate

Anika studied psychology and trained as a life coach with a desire to help people. She has been working in the corporate world for the past 5 years, as a Learning and Development professional covering a range of topics from performance management, personal effectiveness and equality diversity & inclusion. Anika has recently gone from being a customer at HomeWork to joining the team here! “I am incredibly passionate about creating an environment where people can be their best selves. What excites me about being part of the brilliant HomeWork team is our aspiration to create a space like that for the people we welcome every day!”

Vicky Pilinger

Community Associate

"With hybrid working on the rise, I love being a part of the growth in a business that strives to give people the flexibility they need. I'm excited for what’s to come. I feel heard and understood at HomeWork!"

Emily Sundstrom

Community Associate

Emily moved to London from LA last year to study a masters in International Relations. She loves to read and travel, and is obsessed with cats. Before coming to HomeWork she worked for the educational department at a university in America!

Eve Bailey

Community Associate

Eve studied acting at LAMDA and has a teaching qualification in performing arts! "I am passionate about local communities and using art to teach. I love working and chatting to people from all different walks of life and I'm excited to bring my creative nature to HomeWork."

Katie Charman

SWeat19 Southfields

Katie has been a Personal Trainer for 6 years and specialises in strength and conditioning training. Here’s what Katie has to say about her passion for fitness: “Having such a love and excitement for exercise is a true gift as it can really be a difficult battle for some people. However, the real pleasure comes with being able to instil that passion into others who want to train with me. I am so grateful for the clients and class members I train as they give me the opportunity to take them on a fitness journey to strengthen their bodies and minds through fun, challenging and varied workouts.